耀州区气象句子大全 > 文学百科 > 原文翻译 > 鲁迅一件小事原文及翻译























I came to Beijing from the countryside, six years have passed since.What one sees and hears their so-called national affairs, quite; but in my heart, don't leave any traces, where shall I find these things for the influence, will only increase my bad temper, -- to be honest, it is to teach me more and more every day.

But there is one thing, but my sense, I will be from a bad temper, so I still remember.

It was in six year winter, a strong northerly wind was blowing, because I am living, had to go on the road in the morning.There were few pedestrians in the street, very easy to hire a rickshaw, called him back to S to the door.After a while, the small, road dust had all been blown away, leaving the white road, the driver to run faster.Just close S door, and the handlebar with a personal, slowly down.

Fall is a woman, white hair, clothes are tattered.Iraq from the road to cross over the front suddenly; Carter had swerved aside, but her tattered cotton vest was buttoned, breeze blows, spread outward, so finally caught by the handle.Fortunately, the driver had to stop, otherwise Yiding to be planted a somersault, fell to the Toupoxuechu.

Iraq V on the ground; the rickshawman halted.I expect the old woman and no injuries, and no others to see, very strange things to get himself out of him, is not, also missed my way.

I said to him, "not what.Go on your way!"

The driver could, -- or did not hear, -- but down the car, gently helped the old woman, holding her arms to stand, asked:

What's up.

"I broke."

I think, I saw you slowly fell to the ground, how will break it, just make grand gestures, it really disgusting.The things, it is now thought to get into your own.

After hearing the old woman, did not hesitate for a moment, still holding his arm, then forward step by step.I was somewhat surprised, I looked ahead, a police station, after the gale, no body outside.The driver took the old woman, it is to the front door.

I suddenly felt a strange feeling, think he dusty after day, tall, and heals big, must admire inspect ability to see.And he is to me, seemed gradually becomes a kind of coercion, even go so far as to extract forced hidden below the "small".

My energy was about some stagnation, sat without moving, but also did not want to see, until in service out of a patrol, I got off the car.

Patrol approached me saying, "your own train stop, he can't pull you."

I don't think from the outer bag out a handful of copper, to patrol, said, "please give him……"

The wind died down, the road is very quiet.I walk, he thought, almost Pagan thought.The former things will put up, a lot of copper and what does it mean?Award he?I can judge Carter?I can't answer myself.

It is up to now, I still often think.It keeps distressing me pain, try to think about myself.A few years Wenzhiwuli, when I was a small time read "Confucian speeches", back half a word.Unique to this incident, but always floating in front of my eyes, even more clearly sometimes, teach me ashamed, urge me reborn, and gave me courage and hope.

In the year July one nine two.